Just try and imagine the number of decisions that we take daily. When should I wake up in the morning? What should I do in the office today? Should I talk to the cute girl sitting across my table? Should I react to provocations by my boss? What kind of friends should I have? When should I quit an organization? Should I take a lucrative offer from another company? Should I call and patch up with an old friend? Are the things I am doing in line with my future plans? When should I Go on leave? How much love should I express to my loved ones? How do I organize myself so that I am ultra effective? How should I behave if people are taking advantage of me? How should I behave with manipulative people? What books should I read? When should I get married? How should I select my Bride? Should I go for arranged marriage or love marriage? How should I treat the people I come across? Should I use unethical means to get to my needs? How flexible should I be in my decisions...The list is endless…
But one thing is for sure. If I want to be truly successful, I should make efficient decisions consistently. It’s extremely difficult, but maybe with practice, I can achieve this.
Now let me make a very susheelish confession. As of now, I hate to make decisions :-)
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