Of course the list is topped by – finish of first semester MBA exam. God!!!! It feels great. So what if a few of my friends say that the evaluation of the MBA papers is very difficult. That I may as well not scrap through my exams. At lest I attempted the exam and gave my best shot, and I am happy for that. I have already written about my first set of papers last week. Last week I had studied and had been to exam. The story was quite different this week. I had not studied that well. This was because of a combination of some surprise packages I got during the end of last week (more about it in my future posts). But, God is great!!!! The exam did not go as bad as I had expected it to be. Though the second paper (managerial effectiveness) was a difficult, with God’s grace, I think I will scrap through it.
The second thing that happened was that I went shopping for Good books this week. Totally I brought about 6 books and spent close to 1500 rupees. But all the books are great – worth their weight it gold. I will definitely write about what these book wonderful books in future posts. Yeah, yeah, I know some people will think if it’s worth buying so many books? Will I read all these books? Well for them my answer is – I love books and am creating my own mini library.
There is one more surprise package of the week. I will not write it here now. I will touch upon it after a few weeks. It has everything Drama, humor, adventure, anticipation, suspense and a lot of susheelish twists and turns. I am dying to write about it, but Amol will kill me if I write anything about it now :-). Also, I realize it’s not the right time to blog about it now.
One more disturbing thing of this week is the news I read about post Godhara confessions. I came across these articles through a blog friend of mine. I really really hate these people killing each other in the name of religion. I hate them soo much that even as I type this my hands are shivering with anger for such kind of fanatics. Who has given them the right to kill in the name of religion? Do they even know their religion? Has Ram personally told them to kill at will? Do they understand Hinduism in the first place? Do they have even a little bit of brain in their rotten heads? Do they understand humanity? Are they humans? How can we even have such kind of lunatics in civilized society? How the hell can anyone kill in the name of God? God who takes care of everything - from a worm crawling in the soil to the mightiest of elephants – like his own children? God who brings in day, night all the seasons with such preciseness? How can anyone kill people in the name of God? How? How? How??????
Last but not the lest – Work pressure. Work came back with a vengeance for me taking leave. I had to complete a lot of unfinished work. And of course I had a few bickering with my boss. I sometimes love to work. I have a very very active mind. Always something or the other is going on in my mind. I am very restless. If I don't find anything to do, I will catch the nearest person and start talking with him endlessly. I simple don't like to sit idle. Work eases me a bit. It keeps my mind engaged. It keeps me grounded.
All in all a mixed package last couple of days. It was a very hectic and difficult week. I am sooooo happy to be alive :-)
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