I have been with myself from the last almost 25 years. I have been writing since I was in class three. I perhaps know myself the best. And from this know how, I can predict that someday, when I happen to open my dairy or read my Blog, I will definitely ask this question to myself – Why did I write?
I did a bit of inner work to find an answer to this question. My answer to this question can be roughly given by the photo (I took this photo in Golconda fort during night).
Just like the small sources of light that illuminate different parts of the Old Golconda fort, even when in dark, thus making it more beautiful – so do My writings throw small pockets of light about me, about how I live, about what I think, about what I love and what I don't – even though the entire picture is still dark and unexplored.
Let me make feeble attempts to elaborate it a bit more. I write because of three different and equally important reasons. Firstly to know myself, secondly to give some work for my creative side and lastly to get connected emotionally with other people.
When I sit alone in a corner, without any distraction and try to type/write something, I see myself in a totally different light. I connect to my real self. I came to know of feelings that I never know were inside me. If there is a very difficult problem that I am facing, and I try to write about it, my mind becomes clearer, I get more alternatives and more solutions. Shortly put, it’s my first reason for writing – to know myself.
I am by profession and education an engineer. My day to day work involves usage of my analytic and logical skill. In doing so, more often then not I become a Robot, a thinking machine. I loose all emotions and try to concentrate only on work (A few of my friends are of the opinion that I am no less then a mad professor when it comes to work). Writing makes me human. I don't have to be logical when I am writing. I don't require Analytic skills. I don't have performance anxiety / pressure. Just be as creative as I can and throw open all the thought gates. Shortly put, it’s my second reason for writing – Giving work to my creative side.
People may be of different color, different place, different lifestyle, different language, different gender etc…But I truly believe that as Humans there is not much of a difference amongst people. The things that I at times feel will also be felt by someone else. Things that make my heart pain, might make others heart to pain as well. The doubts and difficulties that I face might be faced by some one else as well. In other words, even after soo many differences, there are some basic similarities amongst all people. This is the third and final reason for me to write – To get connected to other people on an emotional level (esp. the readers of these Blogs).
In summary, I don't write so that people should read it, I don't write because it’s a hip thing to do. I don’t write because I want to flatter someone. I write because it makes me feel good. I write because I think God has given me this talent of telling what I feel, in words. And I don't want to waste this blessing of God without even giving it a try.
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