I mean, I have been working in this company from the last almost 2.5 years (of course now the company along with the manager has changed due to a meager). I have worked hard for the company. I stayed put in a department which has the highest rate of attrition. At some point of time (and regret for it now), I placed higher importance to my office work as compared to my personal life. By with each passing day I feel after all maybe it was not worth it after all.
What I see in office sometimes makes me sick. I see a manager who is afraid of his own team, who does not place trust in his own team - the team (including me) which works for him in the office. I see team leaders, who even after having almost double my work experience having insecurity feeling. I see people playing blame games, I see people whom I once thought to be epitomes of Goodness changing their colors depending on the occasion. It irritates me very much. Work does not seem to get any recognization. Favoritism is in vogue…. In short, nowadays – It stinks in office.
People who read this might feel that if there are so many problems, why I am staying there. Well, to that I need to say that I have been trying left right and center to get away from this place. But each time something or the other happens and I miss an opportunity. I don't know what the Lord all mighty has written out for me. One of my friends recently said to me that the reason why I get so upset due to office affairs is because I have a lot of expectations from my Manager/team lean in particular and the company in general. Well, maybe that’s true. But for an emotional guy like me, it very very difficult to Just go about everything in a robotic fashion. I cannot turn a blind eye to what ever is happening around me. And this weakness in me piles up my misery.
After my experience in this company post meager, I am convinced that No company is good or bad. It’s the people who compose it that make a company good or bad. I am also convinced of the fact that employees do not leave company but they leave bosses
All said and done, I really do not know what’s happening around me. I only have one prayer to God – Help me to get out from this company and get me a better opportunity.
My comments....
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves".....
So cheer up.......
Yeah...I guess that's true..
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