I have now completely read 7 Habits of effective people by Stephen covey. There is one thing written in that book which made me think, deeply. That thing is to think about "what do I want to be"?
Pretty basic and a very boring question is what I thought about it when I first read about it. Nonetheless I went ahead and had a cup of tea with Mr. Covey over this topic (meaning I read what he had to say about this having a cup of tea). As I read further, I realized it is one of the most basic and life changing question that anyone can ever ask to himself. Made me think.
Covey is a very practical and a typical American author. He quantifies everything - from emotions to feeling to your goal in life, with clinical precision. But full credit to him, he has done solid work and I think the things he says have great relevance and they really do work.
Covey is of the opinion that the answer to the question - what do I want to be is four fold. In order to find an answer to this question, you need to know what your roles in life are. Once you know what are the different roles in your life, you can then reflect on each of the roles, think about what is the best you can achieve in each and every role of yours. Third step then is to have weekly goals you set your self in each and every role of yours which will bring you closer to you very best. Fourth step is to always try and improve, o keep raising the bar, to know how you can do whatever you are doing still better.
I know - all these things seem to like shit, something that seems very impractical. Even if you somehow agree to whatever he says and go ahead to it, I think such kind of an approach will take away the spontaneity out of life. In any case I thought is controversial and different enough to give it a try.
One day I sat alone and thought, what are my roles in life? Long after I am gone, how is it that I want my near and dear ones to remember me in each and every role I have in my life? Just pondering over this questions and trying to find answers was very liberating, different and good.
I recognized the different roles I have in my life which is of importance to me. These roles are that of a - Son, Brother, Friend, Colleague. I thought reflected about what I want to stand for in each of these roles of mine. I then noted in down in my "black dairy"... (Doesn’t worry, I wont repeat it here - because they are very personal to me :-)). This exercise is truly very good and I think every person should do it once in a while. It gives you a sense of direction. It also helps you to set your priorities right.
I found the step of having weekly targets in each role of mine to be still more enjoyable. For example, as a colleague for one week I set the target for myself to be very supportive to all my team members, even if they did something wrong. It feels great at the end of the week when you know that you achieved your target of the week.
But then again, as I said earlier it’s very difficult to maintain the tempo for a prolonged period of time. But that is something that I have to try and see. Hope I am proved wrong.
One more thing that I think will work still work better is if you have a role model with each of the role you have. This role model should be chosen carefully and he should be an inspiring person. He/she can be as real a person as your father/mother or as fictional as Prof.Dumbledore. But the key is your role model should inspire you. This way you will know your ultimate goal in each role. You can then move towards that epitome of perfection.
All said and done, the road is rough, twisting and full of difficulties before reaching the desired destination. Just like that path to the top of the mountain in the photo attached (it is again taken in Golconda fort in Hyderabad).
I pray to God to give me the courage and stamina to walk on that path and reach my destiny....Amen :-)
Pretty basic and a very boring question is what I thought about it when I first read about it. Nonetheless I went ahead and had a cup of tea with Mr. Covey over this topic (meaning I read what he had to say about this having a cup of tea). As I read further, I realized it is one of the most basic and life changing question that anyone can ever ask to himself. Made me think.
Covey is a very practical and a typical American author. He quantifies everything - from emotions to feeling to your goal in life, with clinical precision. But full credit to him, he has done solid work and I think the things he says have great relevance and they really do work.
Covey is of the opinion that the answer to the question - what do I want to be is four fold. In order to find an answer to this question, you need to know what your roles in life are. Once you know what are the different roles in your life, you can then reflect on each of the roles, think about what is the best you can achieve in each and every role of yours. Third step then is to have weekly goals you set your self in each and every role of yours which will bring you closer to you very best. Fourth step is to always try and improve, o keep raising the bar, to know how you can do whatever you are doing still better.
I know - all these things seem to like shit, something that seems very impractical. Even if you somehow agree to whatever he says and go ahead to it, I think such kind of an approach will take away the spontaneity out of life. In any case I thought is controversial and different enough to give it a try.
One day I sat alone and thought, what are my roles in life? Long after I am gone, how is it that I want my near and dear ones to remember me in each and every role I have in my life? Just pondering over this questions and trying to find answers was very liberating, different and good.
I recognized the different roles I have in my life which is of importance to me. These roles are that of a - Son, Brother, Friend, Colleague. I thought reflected about what I want to stand for in each of these roles of mine. I then noted in down in my "black dairy"... (Doesn’t worry, I wont repeat it here - because they are very personal to me :-)). This exercise is truly very good and I think every person should do it once in a while. It gives you a sense of direction. It also helps you to set your priorities right.
I found the step of having weekly targets in each role of mine to be still more enjoyable. For example, as a colleague for one week I set the target for myself to be very supportive to all my team members, even if they did something wrong. It feels great at the end of the week when you know that you achieved your target of the week.
But then again, as I said earlier it’s very difficult to maintain the tempo for a prolonged period of time. But that is something that I have to try and see. Hope I am proved wrong.
One more thing that I think will work still work better is if you have a role model with each of the role you have. This role model should be chosen carefully and he should be an inspiring person. He/she can be as real a person as your father/mother or as fictional as Prof.Dumbledore. But the key is your role model should inspire you. This way you will know your ultimate goal in each role. You can then move towards that epitome of perfection.
All said and done, the road is rough, twisting and full of difficulties before reaching the desired destination. Just like that path to the top of the mountain in the photo attached (it is again taken in Golconda fort in Hyderabad).
I pray to God to give me the courage and stamina to walk on that path and reach my destiny....Amen :-)
I read through this entire blog. It was nice to read.
(I almost always enjoy what others have to write and say) :)
Good to know that....More over when I write I do not think much about the content, just write what comes first to mind....so maybe u will find it a bit incoherent :-)
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