Amol is the nearest person I have seen to a perfect person. He has so much patience that I would be a hundred times better person even if I had a quarter of his patience. He dribbles very easily between a Project engineer par excellence, a hard nosed professional and a great friend. He is also the most frequent visitor to my Blog. His encouragement and support is something I will not trade for a bank full of money. Words are not sufficient to describe a friend like him.
Bhavnesh is a person I can go to ask for advices. He has seen the ugliest face of life and emerged victorious. He is less of a friend and more like a big brother for me. Nobody can match his Will power, tenacity and straight forwardness. I have immense respect for him as a person. I sometimes feel lucky to have found a friend like Bhavnesh.
Basava is the Tiger of my group. Always enthusiastic and passionate in what ever he does. His fighting spirit and never say die attitude catches up with you like an epidemic. If at any point of time you are low, sad or need a kick – meet Basava. Simple, your problem is resolved. I would not have come out of a very tragic phase of my life if it were not for Basava.
Feras is the Einstein among our friends. It has been more then a year since he left Nokia Hyderabad. Till today people swear by his name. He is a through gentleman who also knows how to have fun. A full page would be insufficient if I start writing about things I have learnt from Feras.
Nikhil is the person with the softest of hears and the best of manners. HE connects with people so well that I sometimes feel he is either a magician or a charmer. A very tough minded professional – He is the most brilliant transmission engineer I have come across. He is such a good listener that I sometimes pity him. He had the bad luck of listening to my non stop talk marathons, without even complaining once. A lot of credit for my professional success goes to Nikhil.
I can go on and on. But the friendship that I have shared with these few peoples is so deep that I am at loss of words. These people have had tremendous impact on me as a person as well as on my character. Their friendship is the greatest gift I take from Hyderabad.
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