I am back to
Belgaum for Dewali!!!!! I am attaching a snap of our home that I took recently as a memoir. What you can see in the photo is the name we have given to our home. It’s “Tapasya” written in Kannada. For us it’s not just a house, it's a symbols of my parents struggle to have their own home.
It feels great to come to my home. It feels great to relish Mom’s food. It feels great to listen to endless stories mom has to say about innumerable people (why are you looking so lean? Why have you become so dark? Why are you eating so less? Do you know how granny is being treated by others? Uff, why are our relatives so haughty?). It feels great to answer a thousand and one questions that my dad has for me (How’s your job going on? Any investment plan? Did you apply for the Government job I told you earlier? Why are you awake so late? Any plans for purchasing a home?). It feels great when you walk out in streets and people smile back at you in admiration (oho you are working for Nokia? You are working in Hyderabad?). It feels great to listen to latest gossips from my sister. It feels great to see my sister walking up to me and showing her first offer letter. It feels great to listen to the great dreams my sister has for her future (Did you watch om shanti om? Did you see the clipping of my paper presentation? Do you know what salary my friend is getting? How I wish I could be employed like you). It feels great to see my small brother as a Doctor. It feels great see my brother’s childish maturity (He now has brought himself a toy gun using which he hunts down lizards – when they distract him while studying). It feels great to see the endless list of things my brother wants to own (Yesterday he wanted a communicator, today he wants a HTC touch mobile. Dig cam too would be a nice buy, you know. I wonder what will catch his imagination tomorrow). Its feels great to answer my brother queries (Is the binoculars I am using digital? Which is the latest mobile in the market? Why on earth does your Laptop not have a DVD reader? Have you seen my latest tour photograph? Do you have any latest games in your laptop? Why on earth are you reading a book on Buddha?)
Belgaum is a small district in Karnataka state. It does not even half the basic infrastructure as Hyderabad. But still this place is no less then heaven for me. Everything in Belgaum is great – Climate, people, greenery, jam packed buses – everything. For a change, it feels wonderful to be surrounded by people who genuinely care for you. I will be here till Sunday morning. I want to live every moment of it. I can never have enough of Belgaum. I love this place :-)
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