Have you ever been very angry about something/someone? So angry that when you think about that particular person, anger starts seething within you? You feel that he is the only person responsible for all your misery?I am sure that everyone will be having such kind of anger for someone at one point of time or other....
Like many people I too had such kind of a person, recently I happened to confront this particular person. It was mayhem, an all out barrage of accusations and counter accusations. I squeezed out every bit of my anger right in front of that person.
After I had this no holds barred fight with this person, I felt certain calm within me. When I sat and thought over the entire thing, I began to feel that the person was not that bad after all. I began to feel that the reason why I was getting angry on that person was because my perception about that person himself was clouded because of my anger. I felt that after all everything was there in my mind and "Maybe" that person was not that bad after all.
I think I have always been very different and unique in the way I look and feel things. This duality of thought is also something that has always been there with me. I don’t know if this is something that happens only to me or others people also experience such kind of "strange" things? People might say I am not good at handling my emotions. But I personally don't agree to it. I know my shortcomings, am aware of my emotions and have courage enough to talk about them.
Now I don’t know how to face that person next time I visit him. Should I say sorry to that person (which my ego does not allow me)? Should I forget everything and go about my work coolly? Should I act as if I am still angry? How should I avoid such kind of things in future?
Life sometimes throws puzzles at you which are so difficult to understand. It angers you, amuses you, makes you think and puzzles you - all at the same time. It’s something like the attached picture, It's a true lie :-)
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