“My first 50 dates” is by just better then the other two. It’s a movie about two people who fall in love with each other in the first sight. The boy is completely bowled over. He rushes to the same hotel that he met the girl the next day. He just finds out that the girl does not even remember him. Let alone love him. The boy then comes to know that the girl has met with an accident and she cannot remember anything for more then 24 hours. What follows next is really a treat to watch. The boy goes every day in the morning to the same place and tries to tell his feeling to her as if it were the first time. I just can’t image to be in that guy’s shoes. Just imagine - you have someone whom you love more then your life and the other person simply forgets you. It’s a touching story.
“Bride’s father” is the story about a father and his young daughter. It’s a story about a dad who is immensely found of his daughter. She is the life for him. Then one day prince charming comes by. The daughter finds the love of her life. She makes her choice and begins to move on in life. A wedding is arranged and what follows next is both touching and hilarious. The scene where the daughter is leaving for her husband’s place and father remembers the different phases of his daughter – from a new born kid to being wedded -is very touching indeed.
“13 going on 30” is the story about a girl who is thirteen years old. She thinks that being 30 is the best part of life. She wishes to become 30 to god. God answers her prayers and she becomes 30. She thinks that she can have the entire world. She thinks that she is on top of the world. She only finds out that she has become a worse person then she was when 13. She is too busy with her life. She has stopped respecting other peoples sentiments. She does not speak to her parents. She has time only for work and no time for people who really matter in life.
All three are great movies. All three movies in there own little way try to convey the importance of small things in life. It tells that that we slog our entire life to find a couple of big moments in our life, but on the way we forget thousands of small things that really matter. I remember I was very happy as a kid. I did not have status, money, brains or degrees when I was a kid. But I was still happy. Why? I think it’s because I cared more about that small things in life. I always had time to talk to my parents. I always had time to go cycling with my friends. I was awed at the beautiful butterfly. I always loved the bloom of brilliant flowers. I was carefree. Tomorrow did not exist in my life. All that existed was today and now. Today, most often then not, I am either thinking about my work or about future. That’s not right.
Some great movies remind you about yourself. They tell you where you are going wrong. It’s a pleasure to watch such kind of movies. I sometimes think I am screwing up big time. But as in “My first 50 dates” – I remember it takes just a moment to find the love of your life. After seeing “Bride’s father” – I realize how sad and isolated our near and dear once might be feeling by seeing us running like this. After seeing “13 going on 30” I realize how important it is to be a child no matter how old you are.
Nothing beats seeing great movies on a lazy day… :-)
hat lazy lazy
abe chandni bar bhi to jaa kar aaoooooooooooooo
thanks for the comment and thanks for caring.
I have seen the first movie you introduced , it was really interesting. it is based on a famous movie "Groundhog Day" in which a man is stuck in a day when he wakes up in the morning its still Groundhog Day. I haven't seen Groundhog Day but I think it is an interesting movie.
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