It is said that Char minar was built by the the qutub shahis when hyderabad met with a severe plauge. It is said that This char minar was built to ward of the evil of that plauge. There are still a lot of people who think this char minar is really warding off evil sprits till today.
From top of the char minar, you can see almost all of hyderabad. Its a wonderfull view from there. Lot of people jostling around for sapce, autos moving around like ants, cows munching their way into the crowd and "many" self stylied Hyderabadi Nawabs sitting and having a sip at their Irani chai. I would Love to post the image from top of the char minar in this posting itself, but the window here is not so friendly with images and I am not able to orgaanise the images properly. I am therefore posting all the images in my next posting as a bunch....Enjoy....:-)
The next best thing that i have probably seen in Hyderabad is the Hussain sagar lake, which happenns to be in the center of the city and the Necklace road sorrounding this Hussain sagar lake. A reson why this road is called as Necklace road is because the road itself is dotted with a lot of Lamp posts. in the night when the lamp post's are switched on - It seems as if the hussain sagar lake is wearing necklace - beautiful imagination is it not????I am posting a image of the Hussain sager lake in my next posting.
The next beautiful thing I have seen in Hyderabad is Golaconda fort. It is called as Golaconda Fort because in telugu "Gola" means shepheard and "konda" means "hill" Goloconda fort, is a architechral marvel. If you clap your hand at the enterance, your clap will be heard about 1.5 Kms away in a Masjid!!!!!!!!
Golconda fort is more then 500 years old. As such its in ruins now. But its is having this magnatic ambiance that holds you mesmarised when you see it. It has been witness to a lot of power struggles, Wars, Love stories etc. The famed story of Lord Rama giving "dharshan" to Bhakt ramdas took place in this fort itself.
Golaconda fort has become more beautiful, by the light and sound show conducted by the department of archiology. It enhances the view of the Golaconda fort.....and makes it more beautiful.
There's nothing more I can say as of now.....i will sign off for now....and post all the images in my next Blog....see them and Enjoy...