Let me take a recent example that happened with me to elaborate what I am trying to say. I took a short break from my routine weekends in Mumbai and went to my home town for a change. Being with family is always a blessing. No doubt that this trip was nothing different. It was on my way back to Mumbai from Belgaum that I happened to chance upon three different people in the bus - A father, a lover boy and a frustrated customer. This blog is about these three individuals. It is also my take on how small things can go a long way in teaching you important lessons.
I had reached the bus stand quiet early. I couldn’t help myself from hearing the heated exchange of words happening between the travel desk person and a customer. The customer wanted his ticket to be cancelled and the amount refunded. The travel desk clerk was telling that the customer was informing about his cancellation way too late and refund cannot be done. Of course the travel desk clerk was correct. The irate customer was giving the choosiest of bad words to the clerk. I was feeling pity for the clerk and angry on the customer. Even as this was going on, I saw my seat and felt tired just by thinking that that I will have to sit and travel for 11 hours. How good it would be if I could have two seats for me by paying money for one. This way I could sleep even as I traveled, I thought. A slight jab on my shoulders woke me up. The same customer who was fighting with the clerk was standing besides me. He told me that he was supposed to travel alongside me. But he has now cancelled his tickets and the travel agent did not refund him the money. He wanted me to do him a favor; he wanted me to occupy both the seats myself. Since he was not traveling, he wanted to make sure the travel agent did not make any additional money by giving his seat to someone else. I said WOW!!!! The same guy whom I was loathing just a few minutes ago looked like a God sent angel to me. I was going to travel the entire 11 hours sleeping after all.
As I was sitting by the window of my seat and feeling happy about this fact, I peered outside just to see what was going on. I saw a man in maybe his mid thirties kissing small kids on their foreheads. He also seemed be going to his wife and whispering words of encouragement. Amused, I looked on. The bus roared back to life and began to honk ferociously. The person was still unwilling to part from his family. He had to run a few distance before catching the bus and alighting into it. I had a window seat and the seat besides me was free. He came and sat besides me and was waving his hand towards his children, till he lost sight of them. Once they had disappeared, I looked upon his face and saw tears on his cheeks. Generally I do not talk to strangers. Something made me talk to this guy. I said to him “Your kids are very cute”. It so happened that the guy was going to Saudi for work. He said he worked there day and night for his family. But he does not get to see his family. He does not get to see his kids grow up. He showed me a video recording that he had made of his kids using his mobile. He said that for the next one year he will be seeing these same video and imagining how his kids are growing. For a very very brief moment, even I could not control my emotions and felt tears welling up my eyes. I somehow managed to say “Don’t worry; you are doing all this for your family”.
As the bus began to slowly move on, and the father went back to his legitimate seat, I heard someone talking in his mobile from behind my seat. He was all giggly and talking in dreamy voice. A little bit of hearing and you could bet that he was talking to a girl. By the way he was talking and his body language, anyone could have guessed that he has special feeling for that girl. I was curious and began to hear more intently (I know its bad manners. But I can’t help myself). He was telling her about how he came to Belgaum for studies. How he used to like a girl back then. And how lucky he was that this time around he met her in his Dad’s friends sister’s marriage (believe me, this is what he said!!!). Suddenly sparks flew and the girl introduced him to his mother. The mother invited him to their home. He went to their home two to three more times. The girl then proposed him to get married (Of course I knew he is simply making up the entire story). Her family too were ready was what the girl supposedly said him. Then suddenly the boy exclaimed – What!!!!! He was spluttering out – “Don’t tell me - are you serious???” You should have been there to hear when he said – “You too have seen a groom, and you liked him???!!! When I woke up in the morning I turned around to see the lover boy. He was awake. And, by the looks of his face, he had not slept the entire night. I felt a strange sadness for that guy.
Now go back to the first paragraph and re read it. I hope the paragraph will now make sense to you.